Words Containing Bob for Scrabble

 The Bob Page

Words and Phrases with Bob in Them

Fishing Bobber "Such Bob, Much Wow" Fishing Bobber

- Bob -
1.   to move up and down, like a fishing bobber.
2.   to move back and forth as with your head.
3.   a dangling or hanging object, such as the weight on a pendulum or on a plumb line.
4.   hairstyle for women and children, the hair is cut short evenly all round the head.
5.   a rotating polishing disc usually made of felt, leather containing abrasive material.
6.   short for bobskate, bobsleigh, a runner on a bobsled.
7.   to cut an animals tail short; to dock or crop.
8.   a small knot of worms etc, used as bait in fishing.
9.   short line of verse at the end of a stanza of poetry or preceding a rhyming quatrain.
10.   a hanging cluster, as of flowers or ribbons.
11.   psychedelic drug.
12.   a UK indie pop band.
13.   in English money, a shilling, traditionally about five pence (5 cents).
14.   a 1993 side scrolling shooter video game.
15.   common English boys name meaning bright fame, nickname for Robert.

Sheep saying BAAAB

 - Bob Names -
  Bob English
  Boba Russian
  Boban Slavic
  Bobb German
  Bobbea German
  Bobbee German
  Bobbey German
  Bobbi English
  Bobbie English
  Bobbie Jo English
  Bobbie Joe English
  Bobbie Sue American
  Bobbit -
  Bobby English, Spanish
  Bobbye American
  Bobby Robert American
  Bobber Nickname
  Bobek Czech
  Bobert -
  Bobinette English
  Bobkin -
  Bobo African
  Bobson -
  Bobster Nickname
  Bobu Japanese
  Billy Bob American
  Jim Bob American

English Bobby   Bobsled

- More Bob -
Bob About or around, to move up and down, or back and forth in an unsteady manner, often aimlessly.
Bob a Job an English fundraising activity, Scouts knock on doors offering to do jobs for a shilling.
Bobalob nickname for your loved one, hi Bobalob!.
Bobaloo babbling talk by a drunk person.
Bob a Loo adventure based learning program for children 2-6.
Bob a Loop toy from 1958, try to flip wooden ball on top of a handle.
Bob a Lot interactive dog toy that wobbles as played with and slowly releases kibble.
Bob and Weave to move quickly up and down, and side to side, typically to evade something.
Bobbed past tense of bob.
Bobber person or thing that bobs, specifically something used in fishing.
Bob a Loop toy from 1958, try to flip wooden ball on top of a handle.
Bob a Lot interactive dog toy that wobbles as played with and slowly releases kibble.
Bobber company that specializes in email marketing.
Bobber a charcoal grill shaped and painted like a fishing bobber.
Bobber Bridge simplified bidding system for the game of Bridge that can be learned in 15 minutes.
Bobber Interactive business that provides customer engagement solutions.
Bobber Motorcycle a stripped down cruiser with a vintage style and low seat height.
Bobbie a name, this spelling is usually for a girl.
Bobbery disturbance or brawl.
Bobbery character in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door video game by Nintendo.
Bobbie Sue a common name, also the seventh album by The Oak Ridge Boys.
Bobbincylinder, or spool upon which yarn or thread is wound in spinning, machine sewing.
Bobbine Lace hand made lace with bobbins of thread twisted around pins stuck into a pattern on a pillow.
Bobbinless Without a bobbin.
Bobbinlike Resembling or characteristic of a bobbin.
Bobbinet a net of hexagonal mesh made on a lace machine.
Bobbing moving up and down.
Bobbing About heaving and setting without making any way.
Bobbinwork sewing/weaving type work woven with bobbins.
Bobbingfluctuation of a radar echo from interference and reinforcement of reflected waves.
Bobblea repeated jerky movement, fumbling a baseball, an error or mistake, a small fabric ball.
Bobble Hat knitted hat with a tufted woollen ball on top.
Bobble Head collectable doll with an oversized head representing a celebrity, cartoon character.
Bobbsey Twinscharacters in a childrens book series, two people who are often together.
Bobby a name for a boy, and Bobbie for a girl. Also an English police officer.
Bobby Calf a calf no more than a week old that is sent to be slaughtered.
Bobby Dazzler person or thing that is outstanding or excellent, especially an attractive girl.
Bobbye another spelling of Bobbie for a girl.
Bobby Pin flat, springlike metal hairpin having the prongs held close together by tension.
Bobby Socks socks that reach above the ankle and are sometimes folded down to the ankle.

Bobble Hat   Bobble Head

- More Bob -
Bobby Soxer an adolescent girl, especially during the 1940s, following youthful fads and fashions.
Bobcat a North American wildcat from Canada to Mexico with brownish coat and black spots.
Bob Cherry childrens game in which a cherry, hung against the mouth, is to be caught with the teeth.
Bob FM on air brand of a number of FM radio stations in North America.
Bobfloat in angling, a small buoyant float, usually consisting of a quill stuck through a piece of cork.
Bobfly in fishing the fly at the end of the leader; an end fly.
Bob for Apples to grab at apples floating in a tub of water or hanging from a string with your teeth.
Bob Gear jogging and offroad strollers for children.
Bob House a small shack on runners or a trailer used for ice fishing on a frozen lake.
Bob Loves Abishola Tv sitcom.
Bob Planter small planter for houseplants looking like a figurine with a pot on its head.
Bobrun an ice course for bobsledding with high walls, banked turns, and straightaways.
Bob's clothing and footwear stores in the Northeast.
Bob's first Brazilian fast food chain, founded by 1948 Wimbledon champion Robert Falkenburg.
Bobs the act of doing something related to the root word Bob.
Bobs winter slippers from Skechers.
Bobs Burgers animated Tv show.
Bobskate an ice skate with two parallel blades.
Bobsled a sled with two runners, a brake, steering mechanism. Two short sleds coupled together.
Bobsledders people who bobsled.
Bobsleigh a British word for a bobsled.
Bobstay nautical; a rope, chain, or rod from the outer end of the bowsprit to the cutwater.
Bobstay Collars ends of a bobstay consisting of a loop of rope.
Bobstay Holes holes cut for the admission of the bobstay.
Bobstay Plates iron plates by which the lower end of the bobstay is attached to the stem.
Bobtail a short or docked tail done to make it stand upright, an animal with such a tail.
Bobtailed a cut tail.
Bobtailing cutting the tail.
Bobtailly appearing to have a bobtail.
Bob Tailed Weaverspecies of bird found in central Africa.
Bobtail Squid small 1"-3" squid with a round body shape and short tentacles.
Bob That Head song recorded by American country music group Rascal Flatts
Bob the Builder animated childrens Tv show.
Bob the Robber video game character where you get to be a thief.
Bob the Train animated train on a childrens educational Tv show.
Bob Under disappear, go under.
Bob Up to suddenly or unexpectedly appear or rise up.
Bob Veal the flesh of an unborn or newborn calf, used for food.
Bob Weight mechanical weight in the elevator control of some aircraft that applies a nose-down force.
Bob Wheel a metrical device in poetry, a short line then longer lines with internal rhyme scheme.
Bobwhite any of several true quails distributed through much of the Americas.
Bobwig wig with a sort style to it.
Bob Wire barbed wire.
Bob World online banking platform.
Bob Your Head moving your head back and forth.

Bob the Builder   Bobbing for Apples

- Obscure Bob -
Boba or bubble tea, an iced drink from Taiwan with milk, fruit syrup, and chewy tapioca balls.
Boba a village in Vas County, Hungary.
Bobac or Bobak, a type of marmot from Central Asia.
Bobac a Persian name meaning young father, a Polish name meaning broad bean.
Bobadil a swaggering boaster, from Ben Jonson's Every Man in his Humour.
Bobahloo a company that creates animation.
Bobai Campaign part of the Chinese Civil War after WWII.
Bobak an unobtainable exotic unit in the game Anime Last Stand.
Bobak sausage comapny in Chicago IL.
Bobak Studio architectural visualization studio that creates 3d visualizations and animation.
Bobal a red grape from Spain used in winemaking.
Bobalo term of endearment from female to male. 'You are my whole world Bobalo'.
Bobance to boast, boasting, self-praise.
Bobaraba a national dance craze in South Africa and Mali, meaning "big bottom" locally.
Bobasatranidae a family of extinct palaeonisciform fishes in the suborder Platysomoidei.
Boba Tea bubble tea, a variety of tea containing balls of pearl tapioca, from Taiwan in the 1980's.
Bobath Method exercises for those with central nervous system problem such as cerebral palsy, stroke.
Bobbejaan a baboon, a large black spider, also a monkey wrench.
Bobba online community aimed at teens by a Finnish company.
Bobbar Something that is rubbish, useless, nonsense, of poor quality..
Bobbasheely a good friend, or to hang out with a friend..
Bobbex brand of deer repellent.
Bobbidi warlock character in Dragon Ball, a Japanese media franchise.
Bobbies plural for English police officer (Bobby).
Bobbili a town in Vizianagaram district of the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh.
Bobbio a small town and commune in the province of Piacenza in Northern Italy.
Bobbish cheerful, in good health and mood.
Bobbitt to cut off a man's privates, from the case of John and Lorena Bobbitt.
Bobblier also means resembling a small ball of wool.
Bobbliest this too means resembling a small ball of wool.
Bobbly resembling a small ball of wool.
Bobbo character in the sitcom Scrubs.
Bobeche slightly cupped ring placed over a candleholder to catch the drippings of a candle.
Bobeck Effect the contraction of magnetic strip domains in a thin magnetic film to cylindrical domains.
Bobi in 2024 purportedly the worlds oldest dog at age 31 in Portugal.
Bobiano also Trebbiano, a white grape used in the production of Italian wines and balsamic vinegar.
Bobierrite transparent mineral consisting of octahydrated magnesium phosphate. Mg3(PO4)2·8H2O.
Bobigny commune, or town, in the northeastern suburbs of Paris, France.
Bobilla a genus of cricket in tribe Nemobiini, found in Australasia and the Pacific islands.
Bobilliers Law in mathematics, a law for general planar rigid motion.

Shish Kabob   Bob Planter

- Obscure Bob -
Bobita Farida Akhtar Poppy, known by Babita, is a Bangladeshi 1970's film actress.
Bobjonesite monoclinic-prismatic mineral containing hydrogen, oxygen, sulfur, and vanadium..
Bobka a coffeecake shaped like a loaf, flavored with chocolate, cinnamon, nuts, or dried fruit.
Bobkingite monoclinic-prismatic pale blue mineral containing chlorine, copper, hydrogen, and oxygen.
BOBL acronymn for Best Of a Bad Lot.
Boblet a two-man bobsleigh.
Boblo nickname for Bois Blanc Island in the Detroit River on the Ontario side.
Bobo gorilla infant captured at just two weeks old. Later rescued by the Seattle Zoo.
Bobo a drunk, also a liberal educated person with an affluent lifestyle and nonconformist values.
Bobo materialistic person who affects an anti-materialistic persona.
Bobo people indigenous to Burkina Faso, Africa (a shortening of bourgeois bohemian).
Bobo member of well-to-do professional class in the social structure.
Bobo the Census Bureau ranks it #3828 of the most common surnames in America.
Bobo a Franco-Belgian comics series created by Paul Deliège and Maurice Rosy.
BOBO acronym for Burnt-Out But Opulent, someone who retires young but very wealthy.
Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo is a Japanese comedy manga series.
Bobo Bush regional term for marijuana.
Bobo Chan full name Bobo Chan Man-Woon is a former Hong Kong actress, singer, and model.
BOBOI acronymn for Branch on Burned-Out Indicator (in a computer code).
Bobok short story by Fyodor Dostoevsky that first appeared in 1873.
Bobol fraud by those with access to public funds colluding with someone in authority.
Bobolink a North American songbird that winters in South America. A reedbird, ricebird.
Bobolling to commit a bobol.
Bobon a 4th class municipality in the province of Northern Samar, Philippines.
Bobotie South African dish of curried mincemeat topped with beaten egg baked to a crust.
Bobowler from the Midland English dialect, a large moth.
Bobr a river in Vitebsk and Minsk of Belarus.
Bobre a musical bow was traditional in Mauritius, played by striking the string with a stick..
Bobrinsky the Counts Bobrinsky are Russian nobles descending from Catherine the Great's son.
Bobrisky a Nigerian internet personality known for her cross-dressing career.
Bobrowski is a Polish-language surname.
Bobruisk town of Russia, in the government of Minsk. Besieged ineffectually by the French in 1812.
Bobsy Die informal fuss, confusion, pandemonium.
Bobrov's Appliancemedical device for injecting large quantity of fluid such as glucose, saline.
BOBW acronymn for Best Of Both Worlds.
BOBY Fame and prosperity.
Bobylev and Bobyleva, masculine and feminine forms of a common Russian surname.
Bobzin a municipality in the Ludwigslust-Parchim district, in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany.

Bobby Socks   Bobby Pin

- Bob Inside -

Alice and Bob placeholders used in cryptography and physics problems.
Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique a salon service at Disney World changing little girls into princesses.
Bibbidi Bobbidi Boo song from Disney's Cinderella.
Bibbidi Bobbidi Factory dance and singing lesson business in Korea for aspiring teen idols.
Big Bob popular sandwich of two hamburgers, onions, and chicory.
Big Shot Bob clutch shooting Robert Horry, won 7 NBA Championships in 1992-2008.
Big Word Bob someone who likes to show off their vocabulary.
Bits and Bobs miscellaneous items like in a drawer or shoebox.
Boba Fett Star Wars bounty hunter taking over territory of Jabba the Hut.
Brother Bob nickname for a family member.
Dealy Bob a nameless object like a whatchamacallit.
Deelie Bobber somewhat snowflake shaped plastic 1/2" disks that can interconnect as a toy.
Deely Bobber cone shaped sewing spool that improves feed thru by reducing thread tension.
Deely Bobber a silly headband with two spring like antennae that wave around.
Discombobulated to confuse or disconcert, confound, bewilder.
DoodleBob character drawn by SpongeBob Squarepants who then turns on him.
Francisco de Bobadilla Spanish governor in the West Indies, sent Columbus back to Spain in chains.
GBOB Guest Blogging Outreach Business, online company.
Hi Bob Human Resources online platform for business.
K-Bob chain of steak restuarants in the Southwest.
Lobob solutions for contact lenses.
Long Bob Robert Meusel, Yankees player in 1920's. Stole home in two World Series.
Love That Bob Tv sitcom from the 1950's starring Bob Cummings.
Microsoft Bob software product with a user friendly desktop of a house with 'rooms' of apps.
Minion Bob one of the characters in the Despicable Me movie franchise.
Nabob one who becomes rich and prominent in 18th century England.
Nabobery the state of being a nabob.
Nabobess a female nabob.
Nabobish one who becomes rich and prominent.
Nabobism great wealth and luxury.
Nattering Nabob a phrase by VP Spiro Agnew to describe the Media's negative attitude.
Nosiree Bob absoultely not, no way that is happening.
Not Short of a Few Bobwealthy or affluent, as Bob denotes British money.
OBOB Oregon Battle of Books, childrens reading competition.
Plumb Bob essentially a weight on a string to gauge how vertical an object is.
QBob action packed arcade style video game from 1998 from Moonrock Software.
Queer as a Nine Bob Notemodern meaning to be homosexual.
RBOB Reformulated Blendstock for Oxygenate Blending, ie gasoline.
Salmon Bob up and down motion of a salmon caught in a drift net.
Santa Bobby play off of a very popular Christmas song.
SBOBET online Asian sports betting platform.
Shish Kabob vegetable or meat cooked on a small stick or skewer.
Short of a Few Bobpoor, also someone who is not very intelligent.
Sideshow Bob character on The Simpsons Tv show.
Silent Bob comical movie character in a fictional universe.
Skibob a bike-like vehicle with skis instead of wheels.
SpongeBob SquarePants title character in a cartoon Tv show living in the city of bikini bottom.
The Bobs American a cappela singing group.
Thingamabob or thingamajig, thingumbob; a thing of which the name has been forgotten.
True as Bobaccording to fact, true. Used primarily in South Africa.
Two Bob something small in value, worth about two English shillings (10 cents).
UBOBET online gambling and sports betting in Costa Rica.
Ubobo South African shrub for treating chest pain. Town in Queensland Australia.
Unbobbed as in hair etc not cut.
WBOB AM radio station in Jacksonville, Fl.
What about Bob1991 movie with Bill Murray and Richard Dreyfuss.
What Would Bob Do funny saying on T-shirt.
Yessiree Bob a definite yes.


Bobcat   Bobwhite Bird

- Longer Bob -
Bob's Your Unclea common expression in the UK meaning 'there you have it', 'that's it then', 'the job is done easily' that everything is or will turn out all right.

Bob's your Father's Brother said to emphasize how easily or quickly something can be done. A humorous elaboration of the previous phrase.

Bobby on the Beat someone is always shows up to get the job done just like an English Bobby police officer.

Bobtail Curtain Antennaa bidirectional, vertically polarized, phased-array antenna that has two horizontal sections, each 0.5 electrical wavelength long, that connect three vertical sections, each 0.25 electrical wavelength long.

Bobtail Liability Insuranceinsurance that provides coverage if an 18-wheeler carrying cargo delivers its load and then on its way home, causes an accident resulting in a lawsuit. The policy pays for actual and punitive damages as well attorneys' fees.

Been Bobbing for Friessomething or someone that is ugly, as in having being dipped in hot oil and the resulting burns.

Bent as a Nine Bob Notesomeone who is dishonest or criminally minded. Also someone who is gay or not straight.

Bernice Bobs Her Hair a short story by F. Scott Fitzgerald appearing in the Saturday Evening Post. Bernice is a Native American girl who visits her sophisticated white cousin in the city. In an attempt to become popular, Bernice announces she will bob her hair, but this leads to unforeseen consequences. Named after Queen Berenice II of Egypt who sacrifices her long tresses to ensure victory in war. The Gods then honored her by placing her hair in the heavens as the constellation Coma Berenices.

Bobo the Web Monkeythe mythical prototype of incompetent web designers everywhere. Bobo knows about HTML only from what he has learned from viewing the source code of other people's Web pages.


Bernice Bobs Her Hair   Plumb Bob


Hair Bobbed   Hair Bobbed

- Bob Haircuts -
  A-Line Bob shorter in back, longer in front.
  Asymmetrical Bob one side longer than the other.
  Blunt Bob super straight, same length all over.
  Bob With Bangs just what it sounds like.
  Braided Bob braids first, then bobbed.
  Cheeky Bob gently brushes the cheek.
  Chin Bob curling inward at the chin.
  Curly Bob cut short but lots of curls.
  French Bob a chin length bob.
  Inverted Bob longer in front, layered in back.
  Layered Bob has a variety of lengths.
  Long Bob or lob, shoulder length.
  Shaggy Bob ruler straight cuts, V-shaped at neck.
  Shingle Bob ruler straight cuts, V-shaped at neck.
  Sliced Bob thinning out to reduce volume.
  Wavy Bob long waves back and forth.

Hair Bobbed Pics Cat with Hair Bobbed

Japanese Characters

Bob Japanese Character

Sewing Bobbin   Deely Bobber

  B eaming with hope, a ray of sunshine wherever you go.
O verflowing with love and affection for all.
B old and beautiful, you deserve love manifold.

Penguin Cartoon

Bob Barker   Bob Hope

- Well Known Bobs -
  Bob Barker Tv Gameshow host

  Bob Cousy Basketball player

  Bob Dylan Singer, songwriter

  Bobby Fisher Chess Grandmaster

  Bobcat Goldthwait Comedian

  Bob Hope Legend-ary comedian and actor

  Bob Mackie Fashion designer

  Bob Marley Reggae singer

  Bob Newhart Comedian, actor

  Bob Ross Oil Painting Tv show host

  Bob Saget Actor and Tv show host

  Bob Vila First host of 'This Old House'

  Bob Woodward Journalist of Watergate fame

Bob Dylan   Bob Ross

- Bob Jokes -
  - Bob Seger was playing chess, that's when he noticed, "Ain't it funny how the knight moves"?

  - I named my printer Bob Marley because it's always jammin.

  - What do you call Bob the Builder when he is unemployed? ... Bob

  - Where does a fisherman get his haircut? A bobber shop

  - Did you hear that Bob Barker died? He got hit by a BRAND NEW CAAAAAR!

  - Bob Dylan came to my house the day after Daylight Savings and adjusted all of my clocks. He said "The times they were a-changin".

  - A couple of decades ago we had Bob Hope, Johnny Cash, and Steve Jobs. Now, there's no hope, no cash, and no jobs ... For the love of God, don't let Kevin Bacon pass away.


Bobber Motorcycle   Bob The Builder Bobsled

- BOB Acronyms -
  Babe  On  Back of a motorcycle
  Babe  On  Board flight attendant code for good looking passengers
  Baby  On  Board sign for back of car
  Back  Of  Book answers in textbook exercises
  Band  Of  Brothers group of soldiers
  Battery  Operated  Boyfriend electronic device
  Battle  Of  Bands Community Music Competitions
  Battle  Of  Britain air battle over the English Channel in WWII
  Bend  Over  Backwards to do something for somebody
  Best  Of  Best the greatest of something
  Best  Of  Breed computer industry, also dog & cat shows
  Best  On  Best top competitors face off
  Big  Orange  Ball astronomy slang for the sun
  Black  Owned  Business self explanatory
  Blonde  On  Blonde an album by Bob Dylan
  Body  Opponent  Bag dummy for kickboxing training
  Born  On  Board birth on a ship or plane
  Bottle  Opening  Buddy tool to open a bottle of beer or wine
  Bug  Out  Bag with things to evacuate and survive in an emergency
  Bunch  Of  Believers name of a Christian band

Calamitous Bob Book   Street Cat Bob Book

- Bob Books -
  Bob Wendy Mass
  Bob Books  (104 childrens books) Bobby Lynn Maslen
  A Street Cat Named Bob James Bowen
  The Adventures of Bob John Dobias
  The Adventures of Bob the Rooster George McVey
  The Calamitous Bob Alex Gilbert
  The Legend of Bob Wire Sam Skinner
  The One and Only Bob Katherine Applegate
  The World According to Bob Bob Scholfield
  What About Bob Robert Bruce Gregg

Owd Bob Movie   Street Cat Bob Book

- Bob Movies -
  Bob (animated) 2009
  Bob & Carol & Ted & Alice 1969
  Bob and the Monster 2011
  Bob Roberts 1992
  Bob the Builder, Race to the Finish 2009
  Bob the Butler 2005
  Bobby Joe and the Outlaw 1976
  I am Bob 2007
  Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back 2001
  Owd Bob 1938
  Rita, Sue, and Bob Too 1987
  The Bob Mathias Story 1954
  Uncle Bob 2009
  What about Bob 1991

Me and Bobby McGee Song   Bobby Socks Blues Song

- Bob Songs -
  Bobby Butcher The Bar
  Bobby Teresa Brewer
  Bobby Sox Baby Jackie Wilson and the Dominoes
  Bobby Sox Blues T Bone Walker
  Bobby's Girl Marcie Blane
  Bobby is His Name Etta James
  Bobby Jean Bruce Springsteen
  Me and Bobby and Bobby's Brother ABBA
  Me and Bobby McGee Roger Miller
  Run Bobby Run Lesley Gore
  White Bobby Sox Hank Burnette

SpongeBob   Bobbsey Twins

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"Common Scrabble Words With Bob, Phrases Containing Bob"

Sheep saying BAAABSheep saying BAAABSheep saying BAAAB