MindRacer Publishing Help

   If this puzzle is not working you probably have javascript turned off in your browser. First try adding our website www.mindracer.com to your list of compatible sites. It's usually under Tools, Compatibility.

   A new computer or browser might also come with some of the features turned off. It's typically under something like Tools, Options, Advanced, Scripting. Click on to allow scripting.

   If you are using Edge as your browser in Windows 10 this page won't work, open it in Internet Explorer instead.

   For more help, visual instructions from AOL are listed here. Some of our other Bridge pages also use javascript to make the bidding quizzes, hands, and contests interactive for users!

   If it still doesn't work or if you are using a tablet so you can't drag things around, you can still try to figure out the questions and then click on the hint and answer links to see if you are right.