Opening Bids
#1.   You can open with any 5 card major. You also need a rebid. Let's say you have:
A Q J 9 x    
Q 10 x    
Q x x    
A x    
-  You open 1S and no matter what partner responds you can bid the Spades again.
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#2.   To open a weak 5 card major you need to have a "prepared rebid" over anything partner will respond. You hold:
K 10 x x x    
A Q x x    
J x    
A x    
-  Again you can open with 1S since you can rebid 2H over partner's response.
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#3.   When your suits are not touching things get a bit harder and require more planning:
K 10 x x x    
A x    
A Q x x x    
-  Now you can't open 1S. If partner says 2H you can't rebid those pitiful Spades (partner might not have any). You also can't rebid Clubs at the 3 level with only 12 points.
So you should open 1C instead, and if partner responds 1H, you can then bid 1S (and still be at the 1 level!).
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#4.   Again you have to look at both suits and think about what partner will bid:
A Q 10 x x    
x x    
A Q 10 x x    
-  Now it's ok to open 1S, this suit is good enough to rebid if partner responds 2H.
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#5.   Take a hard look at how strong your suits are and plan what you will rebid:
A K 10 9 x    
A x    
A K 10 9 x    
-  With this hand you should also open 1C! Ready for lots more of these questions?
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Try our Choice of 2 Suits Bidding Cards |
For the Everyday Player |
When you have two 6 card suits which do you open first? Why does point count matter in your choice? How about two 5 card suits? What if it's a 6 card minor and a 5 card major? |
- How does it make a difference if the suits are touching or not?
- What do you do with 6
's and 5 's? Always?
- When should you open 1NT with a 5 card major?
52 cards of quick simple bidding sequences you need to know!
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