- 1. Besides sewing the flag, what else did Betsy Ross do to aid the Revolution?
Your answer
a) Made ammunition for the army
b. Passed messages between Generals
c. Kept a lookout for enemy ships
- 2. Which President had never heard of the atomic bomb when he took office?
Your answer
a) Harry Truman
b. Dwight Eisenhower
c. John F. Kennedy
- 3. Which food has more grams of fat?
Your answer
a. 1 cup hash brown potatoes,18
b. 2 tablespoons Whipped Cream, 12
c) 1 cup Mac and Cheese, 22
- 4. Who got the right to vote first?
Your answer
a. Women
b) Blacks
c. Indians
- 5. What did Eleanor Roosevelt do as First Lady?
Your answer
a) First Presidential wife to pursue social causes
b. First Presidential wife to campaign for her husband
c. First Presidential wife to let people tour the White House
- 6. Which food has more calories?
Your answer
a. 1 cup Eggnog, 340
b) 1 piece Pecan Pie, 575
c. 1 cup Stuffing, 420
- 7. Which of these inventions came last?
Your answer
a) Toilet, 1600
b. Condoms, 1300
c. Deodorant, 700
- 8. What did Marie Curie do of note in 1903?
Your answer
a. Recived the first patent for a woman
b. Founded the Girl Scouts of America
c) Nobel Prize for discovering Radioactivity
- 9. Which of these Presidents was assassinated first?
Your answer
a. William McKinley,1901
b. James Garfield, 1881
c) Abraham Lincoln, 1865
- 10. Which came first, the chicken or the egg?
Your answer
a. Chicken
b. Egg
c) My head hurts
7 - 10 correct: A Wiz! Definitely
someone who should share their wisdom with others.
3 - 6 correct: Getting there. Stay observant and curious.
0 - 2 correct: Perhaps you are not yet ready to share with others.
    These items are from our series of History and Science Bookmarks. There are 16 different ones to choose from in all. Eight are the regular 2" size, and eight are our 'Bigger Better Bookmarks'. These are 5" x 7" and chock full of interesting information.
    All have a smooth glossy feel to them. Great for kids to learn, or adults to reference when reading to see how dates, famous people, and ideas interacted.
The Presidents         U.S. History          Civil Rights
World History           Constitutional Amendments           Ancient History
Famous Women           Inventions and Discoveries